瞭解 MammaPrint+BluePrint 欣扶妳乳癌腫瘤基因雙效檢測
明達實業股份有限公司 23450 新北市永和區福和路389號9樓
MammaPrint+BluePrint欣扶妳乳癌腫瘤基因雙效檢測分子醫學權威Agendia公司 │ 一家尖端的腫瘤基因檢測及精準醫療的國際企業Agendia通過分析人類全部基因組,實現無偏差基因選擇,研發出各種乳癌檢測產品,包括     Agendia公司是位於荷蘭的一家尖端的腫瘤基因檢測及精準醫療的國際企業,致力於研發並銷售基因檢測相關的診斷產品,協助醫師制訂複雜的治療方針;除此以外,Agendia公司更聯合各大型製藥企業、領先的癌症醫學中心和醫療相關的學術機構共同研發更多關於腫瘤領域的診斷檢測。MammaPrint乳癌復發風險檢測 + BluePrint分子亞型檢測上述這兩種基因檢測產品都是基於微陣列技術而研發出,而Agendia還有其它更多的基因檢測產品尚在研發測試中。Agendia位於荷蘭阿姆斯特丹(Amsterdam)和美國加州(California)兩間實驗室,不只榮獲美國FDA認證,還獲得ISO 13485與美國病理學會(The College of AmericanPathologists,CAP),以及其他方性政府機關的認證,值得您的信賴!Ref: Eur. J. Neurosci., 28, 2365-2370,2008 https://www.agendia.com/licenses-and-accreditations/About AgendiaFrom day one, Agendia was founded on the belief we could improve the quality of life for cancer patients everywhere. Today, our genomic tests are achieving this goal with a broad and growing global customer base, including many major hospitals and clinical institutions. Through every step, we continue to stay focused on providing the innovation and dedication that helps patients live better lives.Here are a few of our company highlights:2003—Agendia was founded as a spin-off of the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam2004—We launched our flagship breast cancer risk of recurrence test, MammaPrint, in Europe2007—MammaPrint became the first IVDMIA* to gain 510(k) clearance from the FDA, and has since received six additional FDA clearances2007—We launched MammaPrint in the US2010—We introduced our second breast cancer test, BluePrint, a molecular subtyping test2016—The landmark MINDACT trial was published, demonstrating the clinical utility of MammaPrint with the highest possible level of evidence (level 1A)2017—MammaPrint was recommended in prestigious clinical practice guidelines including ASCO, the only test of its kind recommended for both lymph node-negative and lymph node-positive patients2017—Publication of the STO-3 trial demonstrated that patients with a MammaPrint Late recurrence (20-year) Low Risk result had excellent breast cancer-specific survival, 20 years after diagnosis with little or no hormone therapy2018—The MammaPrint and BluePrint Kit attained the CE mark, allowing leading cancer centers across Europe to run these tests in their own labs using their existing next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology†2018—MammaPrint and BluePrint were launched to patients and physicians in China http://www.ybe.com.tw/hot_293198.html 分子醫學權威Agendia公司 │ 一家尖端的腫瘤基因檢測及精準醫療的國際企業,致力於研發乳癌基因的相關檢測 2022-09-06 2023-09-06
明達實業股份有限公司 23450 新北市永和區福和路389號9樓 http://www.ybe.com.tw/hot_293198.html
明達實業股份有限公司 23450 新北市永和區福和路389號9樓 http://www.ybe.com.tw/hot_293198.html
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